Michi, 26

ID: michi

Price: ¥4,649 / 1 hour

Male / 男性

Work Area

東京都,神奈川県 (そのほか交通費が出るならある程度どこでも)


English: Ordinary Conversation Level / 英語: 日常会話レベル

Japanese: Native Level / 日本語: 母語レベル

Possible Activities

Ride a bicycle / 自転車に乗る
Physical work / 力仕事
Long way walk / 長距離を歩く
More than 3 hours continuous operation / 3時間以上の連続稼働
Selection of the actor's clothes / 衣服の指定
Pay expenses out-of-pocket during the act / 行為中の代金の建て替え
Use your ID card (consultation required) / あなたの身分証の使用(要相談)
User impersonate you (consultation required) / ユーザーがあなた自身になりすます(要相談)

NG Activities

Nothing / なし



You can contact the actor from here. First confirm if the actor is available, and then request an existence agency service, giving the date, time, location, and details of the work.

An application to connect with the actor will be launched. Enter the actor ID (code) to start an existence agency service.